Monday, April 30, 2007

Japanese Craft Books in English

The other day I was at Barnes and Nobles with the girls, when Miranda spotted a copy of Aranzi Aronzo's The Bad Book--in English. A search online shows that The Cute Book is also available in English, with several others due for release in October.
Aranzi Aronzo Books
There will also be a variety of amigurumi books in English, such as Mr. Funky's Super Crochet Wondeful and Amigurumi! Super Happy Crochet Cute
I hope this means that other books will be available in English! It's fairly easy for me to order books from Yesasia, but it would be great to be able to browse through books in local bookstores. On the other hand, this may be bad news for my wallet. I'm already trying to budget myself with regards to book orders, it's going to be harder if I can just walk into a store and buy the books!


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