Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hamster Dress and a hedgehog

I finished this dress and bloomers for Ivy, although it's still a little too cold for her to wear it.

I had some problems with attaching the bodice to the skirt and I am not sure why it baffled me so much, as I have made many dresses before. I was able to resolve the problem, but it doesn't hang quite right. I am much less concerned with the fit of kids clothes-- as long as they aren't way too big, or too tight I pretty much am satisfied. Which is why it would probably be hard to actually sell clothing I make--I get lazy and take shortcuts and figure it will just look artistic.

I am very pleased with how this little hedgehog turned out. I saw a picture in one of my Kuri Kuri books, it looked to be a simple pattern but often simple things can be a bit difficult to execute. It needs a bit of tweaking--I put the back paws up a little high and fake fur part should have been more like 3/4 of the body instead of 1/2. Still, he's pretty cute and it would be easy to make more.


At 6:40 AM, March 09, 2006, Blogger Jennifer said...

oh, what a cute lil hedgie! we used to have real ones as pets but we don't have any now...they are just adorable and sweet, though, and this one has the cutest smile :)


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