Coupons and Sushi Fabric
I've discovered that somehow I am more apt to purchase fabric if I have a coupon as opposed to fabric on sale. I am not sure why--I think part of it that with a coupon I have a choice. I can get anything I want. I also feel that I Have a Coupon! I Must Use the Coupon! Or It Will Be Wasted! So, I spent 40.00 at JoAnn Fabrics. I did let the girls pick out their own fabric this time. Miranda opted for Curious George and Madagascar prints. I usually avoid the commercial prints, but I'm glad she's happy wearing a pair a of baggy monkey shorts, it could be worse. And since I had several coupons, I bought some of the fat quarter bundles. There is enough fabric to make a patchwork dress for a 2-3 year old--perfect for Ivy. However, as usual I like two of the fabrics in the bundles very much, the other three not so much. They had this great sushi fabric one:
Ivy wasn't very enthusiastic about a sushi dress--what kid wouldn't be excited by a dress covered with bits of fish, rice and seaweed? I am hoping I can convince her anotherwise, because this is going to be one cool dress. She picked out another bundle with bee fabric which I wasn't crazy about, but I Had a Coupon! So, she should be well set for summer--if I actually get everything sewn up. I do have all the dresses and shorts cut out, but I tried that once before when she was a baby and all that happened is I am constantly pricking myself on the pins when I dig through my boxes of cloth and encounter the pieces where they are hidden at the bottom.
One more day until May! September is my favorite month, but May is second. Everything is all greeny-yellow and the air feels kind of heavy but not that oppressive murkiness of summer.