Sunday, April 30, 2006

Coupons and Sushi Fabric

I've discovered that somehow I am more apt to purchase fabric if I have a coupon as opposed to fabric on sale. I am not sure why--I think part of it that with a coupon I have a choice. I can get anything I want. I also feel that I Have a Coupon! I Must Use the Coupon! Or It Will Be Wasted! So, I spent 40.00 at JoAnn Fabrics. I did let the girls pick out their own fabric this time. Miranda opted for Curious George and Madagascar prints. I usually avoid the commercial prints, but I'm glad she's happy wearing a pair a of baggy monkey shorts, it could be worse. And since I had several coupons, I bought some of the fat quarter bundles. There is enough fabric to make a patchwork dress for a 2-3 year old--perfect for Ivy. However, as usual I like two of the fabrics in the bundles very much, the other three not so much. They had this great sushi fabric one:

Ivy wasn't very enthusiastic about a sushi dress--what kid wouldn't be excited by a dress covered with bits of fish, rice and seaweed? I am hoping I can convince her anotherwise, because this is going to be one cool dress. She picked out another bundle with bee fabric which I wasn't crazy about, but I Had a Coupon! So, she should be well set for summer--if I actually get everything sewn up. I do have all the dresses and shorts cut out, but I tried that once before when she was a baby and all that happened is I am constantly pricking myself on the pins when I dig through my boxes of cloth and encounter the pieces where they are hidden at the bottom.

One more day until May! September is my favorite month, but May is second. Everything is all greeny-yellow and the air feels kind of heavy but not that oppressive murkiness of summer.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Blanket Kitties

Made these blanket kitties for my Etsy shop

I can't decide which I like best, the crocheted cat or the knitted ones. Guess I will see which sells better.

I bought 20 yards of muslin a few weeks ago with my handy 40% off coupon from Joann's. I had great plans to batik it, but I am not enjoying batiking as much as I did when I tried it last summer. I seem to be having a lot more problems getting the dyes to set and I don't know what I am doing different. I made a few t-shirts for the girls that turned out good, but I think I am just going to dye the muslin in different colors rather than batiking.

Sometimes I have such a hard time balancing working on my own projects and doing things with the kids. Yesterday I worked on finishing some sewing projects most of the day while the girls were bugging me to go someplace. Fortunately it was cold and rainy, so it gave me a handy excuse to stay home. Today we worked out in the garden and planted seeds--which I thought was a fun project to do together, not quite sure they were convinced, although they enjoyed the digging for bugs part.

When Miranda was first born, I fell in love with the simplicity of Waldorf toys and most of my first toymaking ventures were waldorf-inspired. I made several dolls, but neither of the girls were very interested in them, despite the claims I had read about how children would adore them. has some wonderful waldorf toys, I love how simple these little animals are, I think I want to make some for Miranda and Ivy. My favorites are the donkey and the pig

Kathe Kruse

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Fancy Pants

Oh, now I want to make fancy pants like these:

Handy Home Projects


I especially like the pockets. I had debated putting pockets on the pants I made for Ivy, but got lazy. Now I think I might add at least one big pocket on the side.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Spring Wardrobe

The Spring wardrobe is pretty much complete and I am very happy with it. I will probably make a few more things as the weather gets warmer, but this is a good start.

Two peasant-type blouses

Two pairs of pants (one is more like capris)

Two flowered tops

Sunday, April 09, 2006

I just embroidered a new set of buttons, I have no idea what happened to the others. The second set turned out better anyway.

The first one is Chou Toto, the second is a Susuwatari and the third is an acorn

They were for this top:

She's saying "cheese!"

It just ties in the back, and is lined with a floral fabric. The buttons look a little crooked to me, I think I need to redo them.

The pattern is from this book